C/C++ Interactive Reference Guide
C-C++ Interactive Reference Guide.iso
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/* Array Handling Package
(C) Copyright 1985,1987,1988 James P. Cruse - All Rights Reserved
Version 1.00
This set of C header files is used to simplify array handling in C.
Included are routines to add, subtract, fill, negate, etc.
First, the Legal Issues:
The routines are copyrighted by the author, and have been released as a
user supported program. You may use this program on a trial basis, and if
you find it to be useful, or you continue using it, you must register it.
Any Commercial enterprises using this software must register it immediately.
You may not include the Source code of these routines with any
commercial package without written consent of the author. You may use
them to develop commercial programs upon registration.
Simple registration of these routines is $10.00. If you wish to recieve
an upgrade of the routines, and trial usage of the STAT and function
equivalents, the registration fee is $25.00. To recieve a copy of the
Scientific Functions is $50.00. (See Description below).
Registration should be mailed to:
James P. Cruse
919 Capitola Avenue
Suite 41
Capitola, CA 95010
(408) 475-7444 (m)
I am currently developing other routines for C, as well as improving
these. Routines that I am developing include: integer, float, and
"user" defined functions (not macros) that are equivalent to these routines;
Simple Statistical functions (mean,median,mode,r^2,s^2,standard deviation);
Scientific Functions (polynomials, curve fits, convolutions); and
Plotting routines for the IBM PC/XT/AT and compatibles (routines to plot on
screen, printer or HP plotter x-y plots of up to 16 parameters in a 4
Back to the routines:
The routines are broken up into the following types:
Binary Operations Add, Subtract, Multiply, etc. between 2 arrays
Unary Operations Negate, Assign, absolute, etc. an array
Fill Operations Fill array with index, index+off, values between x&y
Info about Array Min, Max, etc of an array
There are also routines to call a function on 1 or 2 arrays.
The routines work by substituting your call into a while loop. This was the
Only way I could find to use different types of arrays/constants in an
expression that would be compatible across a wide range of compilers/systems.
(I spent 3 months trying all kinds of different ways, but none would
work on ALL of the compilers I could test with, except this method).
The Functions all have a uniform naming format:
X_NAME, where X is a, for single array operations, aa for
2 array, ac for array & constant, and ca for contant & array
And NAME is the operation to be done. For Example:
aa_add() add two arrays
ac_add() add array & constant
a_neg() negate array
a_index() fill array with index
They also have a uniform parameter format:
X_NAME(s,d,...) where s is length of array, d is destination array, and
"..." varies for each type of operation:
Binary operations have 2 parameters, a and b or a and c
Unary operations have a single parameter a
info operations have a single parameter
and fill operations take multiple parameters.
The function can also take other parameters, depending on the
The Functions Are:
Binary Operations: (a_binop.h)
add, sub, mul, div, min, max, mod (%,modulo),
equ (==), geq (>=), leq (<=), gtr (>), les (<),
fun (function), t_fun (typed function)
aa_add(n,d,a,b) d[] = a[] + b[]
ac_min(n,d,a,c) d[] = ARR_MIN(a[],c)
ca_sub(n,d,c,a) d[] = c - a[]
aa_fun(n,d,a,b,f) d[] = f(a[],b[])
ac_t_fun(n,d,a,c,f,t) d[] = f( (t) a[] , (t) c )
Unary Operations: (a_unop.h)
cpy (copy,assign), neg (negate), abs (absolute value),
rsum (running sum), rprod (running product),
rmin (running min), rmax (running max),
fun (function), t_function (typed function)
scale (scale&offset)
a_cpy(n,d,a) d[] = a[]
a_rsum d[i] = d[i-1] + a[i]
a_rmax d[i] = ARR_MAX( d[i-1] , a[i] )
a_scale(n,d,a,s,o) d[] = o + s*a[]
a_fun(n,d,a,f) d[] = f(a[]])
a_t_fun(n,d,a,f,t) d[] = (t) f( (t) a[] )
Fill Operations: (a_fill.h)
index, indoff (index+offset), fill (exclusive),
ifill (inclusive), t_fill (typed fill), t_ifill (typed inc. fill)
scale (scale&offset),
assign, f_fun (function), i_fun, (function w/index param),
t_i_fun (typed function w/index param)
a_indoff(n,d,c) d[i] = i + c
a_assign(n,d,c) d[] = c
a_i_scale(n,d,s,o) d[i] = s*i + o
a_fill(n,d,s,e) d[0] = s, d[i] = s+(e-s)/n, d[n] (would be) e
a_t_ifill(n,d,s,e) d[0] = s, d[i] = s+((t)(e-s))/(n-1), d[n-1] = e
a_f_fun(n,d,f) d[] = f()
a_t_i_fun(n,d,f,t) d[i] = f( (t) i )
Info Operations: (a_info.h)
sum, prod, min, max, minmax
a_sum(n,d,a) d = a[0] + a[1] + ... + a[n-1]
a_min(n,d,a) d = min( a[0] , a[1] , ... , a[n-1] )
a_minmax(n,l,u,a) l = min( a[0] , a[1] , ... , a[n-1] ),
and u = max( a[0] , a[1] , ... , a[n-1] )
Compiler Dependent Options:
Set ARR_IF_NEEDED to 1 if you cannot have a curly brace without
a proceeeding if or while (see ARR_IF_NEEDED example below).
There are macros for taking the MIN and MAX of two parameters, and
for getting the ABS of a parameter. You can modify them if you need to.
Note: they are only used in the min and max calculations, but NOT the
the combined minmax functions. I use an if-else-then there.
You can turn on or off the various #defines, so that only
certain of the routines are included by default. You can override these
defaults by defining the #define to 1 prior to including array.h, or you
may include the file directly.
You may modify the variable name the program uses for declaring
it's index to anything you want, I found the default to be acceptable.
You may also modify the "type" of the index variable, this allows
you to declare it as a register variable, or convert it to a non-int.
See each file for further discussion of each type of functions.
The routines as written should be usable on a wide variety of
machines (I believe they are both K&R and ANSII compatible).
If you have any problems, comments, or routines you would
like to have (now or in the future), I would be glad to hear from you.
James P. Cruse
/* have we been loaded? */
/* Global Declarations */
/* set to true if you cannot have {} in any location in a function */
/* e.g.:
int i;
{ does this curly brace generate an error?
i = 7;
#define ARR_IF_NEEDED 0 /* needs an if */
/* what type and name do you want for the indexing variable? */
#define ARR_IND ijklmnop
#define ARR_TYPE_IND int
/* How do you want to determine the MIN/MAX of two elements */
#define ARR_MIN(X,Y) ( (X) < (Y) ? (X) : (Y) )
#define ARR_MAX(X,Y) ( (X) > (Y) ? (X) : (Y) )
/* how do you want to determine the ABSolute value of an element */
#define ARR_ABS(X) ( (X) < 0 ? -(X) : (X) )
/* which functions do you want loaded by default? */
/* Unary Operations */
#ifndef ARR_UNOP /* overriden? */
#define ARR_UNOP 1 /* unary (d[] = a[]) */
/* Binary Operations */
#ifndef ARR_BINOP /* overridden */
#define ARR_BINOP 1 /* Binary (d[] = a[] + b[]) */
/* Fill Operations */
#ifndef ARR_FILL /* overridden */
#define ARR_FILL 1 /* fill array (d[] = i*x+b) */
/* Information Operations */
#ifndef ARR_INFO /* overridden */
#define ARR_INFO 1 /* info about array (min,max) */
/* Internal defines */
#if ARR_IF_NEEDED /* do we need an if statement? */
#define ARR_IF1 if(1) /* declare if */
#define ARR_IF2 else ; /* close if */
#else /* nope -> do nothing */
#define ARR_IF1
#define ARR_IF2
/* now we shall include wanted files */
#include "a_unop.h"
#include "a_binop.h"
#include "a_fill.h"
#include "a_info.h"
/* done */
#endif /* ARR_IF_NEEDED , -> loaded already */